Today I am sharing the exercise experiences of two people with diabetes as examples of what exercise can and cannot do when you have diabetes. Both used physical activity as a tool to bring their glucose into target but each had a different result. It is a reminder that diabetes is unique in its effect on each individual. First let me introduce you to Evelyn. She had a long history living with diabetes. She maintained regular checkups with her doctor and at each visit was told to lose weight and exercise. She didn’t have a plan for losing weight, and frankly, she was satisfied with her … [Read more...]
Let’s Move More: Why Movement Matters
The human body is designed to move. From hunting and gathering, to harvesting crops and preparing meals, the human body has always needed to move in order to survive. However, the invention of modern technology such as automobiles, computers and smartphones, has required less physical movement, so we can actually “do” more. For many people, this “doing” more has resulted into more computer work, television time, and more time sitting commuting to and from work. “We’ve made sitting into an art form,” says James Levine, M.D., Ph.D., director of Obesity Solutions at Mayo Clinic in … [Read more...]