Everyone knows that to grow and improve we need to evolve. To evolve involves change. But change is hard. However, a failure to change may lead you down a road of unnecessary danger. Weight loss is the change that so many of us desire. Most attempt some fad diet, and then another, but generally the diet ultimately fails. Sure, there is initial weight loss, sometimes dramatic weight loss, but most often the weight reappears, often along with a total weight increase. The dieter believes they have failed when really it is the diet that is the failure. As diets are seldom a viable long term … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Not to Go on a Diet
I hate diets.... for so many reasons. That might sound like a strong statement. Let me clarify, I do like the DASH diet, which is based on scientific evidence and stands for Dietary Approached to Stop Hypertension. I like the Mediterranean Diet too. The ones I hate are all the diets with rigid rules that you can lose weight on in the short run (because your calories are cut down), but you can't actually live on. Now, what I do like (and help people with all the time) is using food as medicine. I know that eating mostly healthy foods, that you enjoy, and limited amounts of empty calorie foods, … [Read more...]