I’m sharing a “James story” with you today to demonstrate how important it is to take care of your feet when you have diabetes. A “James story” is something that happened when I was married to my first husband, James, who had diabetes. He made some catastrophic mistakes in managing his diabetes because he simply didn’t know what to do. (This was prior to and inspiration for my subsequent career in helping people manage and learn about their diabetes). Since working with people with diabetes for over twenty years, I’ve met many others who have made similar errors. I don’t want you to go down … [Read more...]
What To Do If You Get Sick and You Have Diabetes
I woke up recently and was having a dream about the pandemic. That gave me the idea that I should write to you about what to do if you get sick when you have diabetes. This is not specific to COVID19, but is recommended anytime you are sick. But first, speaking of COVID 19, the emergency warning signs are: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish lips or face. Continue to follow the CDC and local guidelines. I pray none of you get infected. Getting back to our topic, do you know there are … [Read more...]