“Can I get rid of my diabetes?” There is an answer, and I'll explain. Here’s the lowdown: After being diagnosed with diabetes you can’t really get rid of it. There’s no cure. BUT a small percentage of people with Type 2 diabetes can return to having normal blood sugars, especially after metabolic/bariatric surgery or losing a lot of weight. Unfortunately, over time, the diabetes can “come back.” That’s why there’s not really a “cure.” Diabetes Remission is the new standardized term when blood sugars return to normal after diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. You may have heard the terms … [Read more...]
The Sugar Scare! What to do When your Blood Sugar is Too High and you Don’t Eat Carbs
“It’s the Sugar Scare!” he said. That’s why he didn’t eat any fruit, bread, pasta and rice. Today let's talk about what to do when your blood sugar is too high and you don't eat carbs. “That orange looks and smells so good,” he added, “but I know it’ll jack my sugar up so I’m trying to stick to keto”. The “Sugar Scare” is when people avoid all fruit and starches (anything with carbohydrate) because they think it will raise their blood sugar too much. Instead, they eat only meat, poultry, fish, leafy vegetables and fats (butter, gravy, sauces, dressing and nuts). For many, this “no … [Read more...]
What Exercise Can and Cannot Do When You Have Diabetes
Today I am sharing the exercise experiences of two people with diabetes as examples of what exercise can and cannot do when you have diabetes. Both used physical activity as a tool to bring their glucose into target but each had a different result. It is a reminder that diabetes is unique in its effect on each individual. First let me introduce you to Evelyn. She had a long history living with diabetes. She maintained regular checkups with her doctor and at each visit was told to lose weight and exercise. She didn’t have a plan for losing weight, and frankly, she was satisfied with her … [Read more...]
What To Do If You Get Sick and You Have Diabetes
I woke up recently and was having a dream about the pandemic. That gave me the idea that I should write to you about what to do if you get sick when you have diabetes. This is not specific to COVID19, but is recommended anytime you are sick. But first, speaking of COVID 19, the emergency warning signs are: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish lips or face. Continue to follow the CDC and local guidelines. I pray none of you get infected. Getting back to our topic, do you know there are … [Read more...]
A Letter from a Confused Client: “Eggs…To Eat or Not To Eat”
Eggs, to eat or not to eat? Dear Marcia, I’m so confused! One day the “experts” are telling me to avoid eggs because they are bad for my heart. Then they tell me eggs are an excellent source of nutrition and I learn all sorts of new ways to cook them. Now, there is a new report saying eggs are linked to increased cholesterol and heart disease! What am I supposed to do? I like eggs. They are easy to prepare, inexpensive and I thought they were good for me. Please help me understand what I am supposed to do with this new information and reports being spread on social media about … [Read more...]